Our Orgasmic Days
Banana with Oil

Banana with Oil

Daily Calorie Log
Thu. Feb 8, 2018


As I’ve been showing in weekly food ranking, bananas have the largest share in our diet currently. I like bananas and they taste good indeed. But my ultimate image or ideal of our main foods are not bananas but much fattier tropical fruits like durian. I would eat durian everyday if I could afford it. I am dreaming of growing durian in Japan or moving to some tropical place to eat durian as much as I want.
Today I came up with an idea of adding oil to bananas and tried it. When I added olive oil, the bananas tasted like donuts. When I added sesame oil, it tasted like Chinese sesame dumplings. I got excited about this discovery.
I have been overeating bananas recently. When it tastes much better, what would it be? We’ll see what happens.

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 1,741 kcal

Blue Solar DEWS with B, 10 glasses(300ml/glass)

Cocto-X, 17 pieces 396 kcal

  • Chocolate Taste 15 pcs
  • Peach Taste 2 pcs
Banana(Philippines), Fresh, 1,422g, with Oils 1,345 kcal

  • Olive Oil, 5g
  • Sesame Oil 4g

Summary by Food Category

Exercise (Burned Calories) 2,015 kcal

  • Watering Vegetables & Weeding 173 min.
  • Sharpening Chain-saw 53 min.

Weight Change

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