Our Orgasmic Days
High Calorie Foods To Lower Calorie Intake

High Calorie Foods To Lower Calorie Intake

Daily Calorie Log
Tue. Feb 13, 2018


Since I started adding oils to bananas, it seems that I tend to be satisfied with smaller amounts of banana than before. Bananas with oils taste so good that I had worried I would be overeating but the fact is I would get satisfied easily.
It is paradoxical but I think it is possible that when I increase the amount of high calorie foods (i.e. oils), my total calorie intake decreases.

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,441 kcal

Blue Solar DEWS with B, 4 glasses(300ml/glass) and a bottle (1 liter)
Neo-Cocto-X, The 1st Prototype, 7 pcs 365 kcal

Fruits with Oil 1,884 kcal

  • Apple, Fresh, 50% of 458g
  • Banana(Philippines) , Fresh, 1,696g
  • Sesame Oil, 11.6g
  • Olive Oil, 17.3g
B-gurt before bedtime 192 kcal
  • Yogurt, Plain, Whole Milk, Home-made 300g
  • Brewer’s Yeast 3g

Summary by Food Category

Exercise (Burned Calories) 2,978 kcal

  • Felling Trees, 5 hours

Weight Change

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