Our Orgasmic Days
14th Day, 4th Moon, R2

14th Day, 4th Moon, R2

Daily Calorie Log
May 6, 2020

Ratio of Salt and Sugar Intake To Water

Caloric Balance (kcal/day)

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 1,874 kcal

Night Drink, Cocoa, 239 kcal
Breakfast 820 kcal

  • Blueberry (USA), Fresh, 95g
  • Mango (Mexico), Fresh, 201g
  • Brie Cheese (France), 110g
  • Banana (Guatemala), Fresh, 353g
Cocto-X-DEWS, 5 kcal

  • Sparkling DEWS, 2 glasses x 300ml
Snack, Apple Au Lait, 196 kcal

Dinner, 614 kcal

  • Raspberry Cheese Cake, 2 cups
  • Coffee (El Salvador), Home Roast, 430ml

Summary by Food Category

Today’s Food Cost

2,793 yen (1,396 yen per person).

Where Today’s Foods Come From

We love our LOCAL earth foods.

Activities, 637 kcal Burned

  • Picking Amanatsu orange, 4.5METs x 90min., 362kcal
  • General Activities, 870min., 275kcal

Weight Change

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