Weekly Diet Review for Jan 7–13, 2018
There were four meat days. I tried to choose low fat, lean meats. Weekly average intake was 2,424 kcal/day.
It was a very windy and cold week. My burnt calorie was 2,507 kcal/day.
Calorie intake and outgo were almost balanced at -83 kcal/day.
Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS (per Day)
See ORS Ratio.
Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio (kcal/day)
Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (DRI) 2015 formulated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) provides the Dietary Goal (DG) of macronutrient ratio: Carbs 50-65%, Fats 20-30%, Proteins 13-20% and Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of proteins intake: 60g/day for males in my age (50-69 years).
This week’s carb ratio was barely in excess and fat was short by 7 percentage point compared to DRI. My protein intake this week was 121 g/day, which filled RDA.
65% of total calorie came from Flesh and Fresh foods. Raw food ratio was also 65%. Starchy foods were 14%, which is higher than it should be in the Flesh x Fresh Diet.
It seems I have gained weight at the rate of 189g/day. I wonder if low-fat meals really served my purpose.

Born 1967, Hiroshima, Japan.
In 2009, I made up my mind to eliminate any and all of GMO(genetically-modified organisms) from my life, leading to whole grains vegan diet, and further into low-fat-raw-vegan (the 80/10/10) diet. Finally in 2017, I found just stop eating “seeds” can make us healthy. I named the set of my idea “The Orgasmic Diet.”
My dream is to live in tropical, high-elevation place, probably somewhere in Colombia, with cows and fruit trees.
If everyone makes oneself happy, everyone becomes happy.
With the miracle of the Orgasmic Diet, you'd be fit and healthy
if you eat ONLY what you like AS MUCH AS you like.
Why don't you join the Orgasmic Diet now!