Blind Spots in the Nutritional Approach
Daily Calorie Log
Mon. Jan 8, 2018
When we discuss foods and health, we tend to focus on the three major nutrients:carbs, proteins and fats. What kind of food combination is best to fill the requirement of essential amino acids? Is fish oil better than plant oils? and all the rest. Some may pay attention to vitamins and minerals too. I agree that those discussions are important but if you are too much caught up in that field, you will lose sight of some important facts.
One of that kind of fact is: there are very many important nutritional elements that current science hasn’t identified yet. Science hasn’t become aware of them because they are too trivial, only very small amounts of them are required. We often take it wrong: we can ignore them because they are negligibly-small. But small amounts requirement doesn’t necessarily mean it is not important. This is why the Flesh x Fresh Diet puts emphasis on “raw & whole” foods.
Another fact is that we can’t recognize too big things too. There are such that big nutrients: water and air. The reason the Flesh x Fresh Diet pays a lot of attention to ORS ratio lies there.
Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS
See ORS Ratio.
Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio
Foods Taken(Charged Calories) 2,125 kcal
Blue Solar DEWS with B, 17 glasses(300ml/glass)
Cocto-X, 28 pieces 708 kcal
- Chocolate Taste 14 pcs
- Walnut and Cranberry Taste 14 pcs
Banana(Philippines), Fresh, 800g 712 kcal
Mikan Citrus(Hiroshima), Fresh, 570g 258 kcal
Ginkgo Nuts, Roasted, 9 25 kcal
Cozy Rice, Chocolate Taste, 1 cup (111g) 230 kcal
B-gurt before bedtime 192 kcal
- Yogurt, Plain, Whole Milk, Home-made 300g
- Brewer’s Yeast 3g
Exercise (Burned Calories) 2,360 kcal
- Splitting Logs 120 min.
- Sharpening Chain-saw 50 min.
Weight Change
Summary by Food Category

Born 1967, Hiroshima, Japan.
In 2009, I made up my mind to eliminate any and all of GMO(genetically-modified organisms) from my life, leading to whole grains vegan diet, and further into low-fat-raw-vegan (the 80/10/10) diet. Finally in 2017, I found just stop eating “seeds” can make us healthy. I named the set of my idea “The Orgasmic Diet.”
My dream is to live in tropical, high-elevation place, probably somewhere in Colombia, with cows and fruit trees.
If everyone makes oneself happy, everyone becomes happy.
With the miracle of the Orgasmic Diet, you'd be fit and healthy
if you eat ONLY what you like AS MUCH AS you like.
Why don't you join the Orgasmic Diet now!