Monthly Diet Review
Diet Review for March 2018

Diet Review for March 2018

The new phase of the Flesh x Fresh Diet with medium fat ratio and new Cocto-X has now become established and I’m thinking about improving intake of vitamins and minerals. As shown in the nutritional summary, we are lacking vitamin B2, K, biotin, calcium, manganese and others though some of them are simply caused by a lack of nutritional data. To supply these nutrients to our bodies, we have to eat volume of vegetables, which is a difficult challenge if we stick to raw eating. Maybe it would be good to have cooked meal once a week or so. We can enjoy cooking and improve our nutritional aspect at the same time.

Foods for the month

Food Ranking (calorie-based, for two of us)

Food Ranking (weight-based, for two of us)

Summary by Food Category

As shown in the bar chart below, we are eating fruits, meat and sugar instead of “seeds” whatever they are called grains, cereals, beans, nuts, breads, noodles or plant oils which are main caloric resources for common people.

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS (per Day)

See ORS Ratio.

Nutritional Checkup

Caloric Balance and Weight

Caloric Balance (kcal/day) and Macronutrient Ratio

My protein intake (72.2g/day) and macronutrient ratio of the month all satisfied DRI goal (*1).

*1 Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (DRI) 2015 formulated by MHLW provides the Dietary Goal (DG) of macronutrient ratio: Carbs 50-65%, Fats 20-30%, Proteins 13-20% and Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of proteins intake: 60g/day for males in my age (50-69 years).

Weight Trend

My Weight reduced by 37g a day.

Food Cost

Our food cost for March 2018 was 42,909 yen (692 yen per person per day).

It was 34% smaller than average Japanese household of two people.

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