Cabbage Cake
Daily Calorie Log
Wed. Mar 7, 2018
Curry rice had been one of my most favorite dish before. But after I started this Flesh x Fresh Diet, I don’t feel an urge to eat curry. Since there are various ingredients in curry powder, probably there were some nutrients I needed before but now are sufficient.
Now we had kangaroo mince and cabbage which is not suitable to eat raw. After thinking about how to clear off those foods, we’ve come to enjoy them with curry taste. See how much fun we had. I came up with the idea of “roast cabbage” or “cabbage cake” which was really looked and tasted like cake. It’s very simple. You should try it out!
Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS
See ORS Ratio.
Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio
Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,508 kcal
Blue Solar DEWS with B, 9 glasses(300ml/glass)
Cocto-X Neo Chocolate Taste, 13 pieces 296 kcal
Banana with Oil 743 kcal
- Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 789g
- Olive Oil (Palestine), 6.3g
- *Perilla Oil, 0.9g
Orange, Fresh, 607g 275 kcal
The Excursion Dinner, Roo Curry and Cabbage Cake, 1,194 kcal
- Roo Curry (I ate about 25% of the whole recipe.)
- Aussie Kangaroo Mince, 500g
- Onion, 330g
- *Celery, 115g
- *Daikon-na, Oriental Radish Leaf, 265g
- Chickpea, boiled, 216g
- Garlic Powder, 1.5g
- Bell Pepper Powder, 10g
- Tomato Powder, 35g
- Curry Powder, 33g
- Garam Masala, 1g
- Sea Salt, 12g
- Molasses, 20g
- Olive Oil, 15g
- Gelatin, Bovine-derived, 8g
- Tap Water, 500g
- Cabbage Cake (I ate about 2/3 of the whole recipe.)
- Cabbage, 587g
- Flour, 250g
- Tap Water, 300g
- *Bamboo Shoot, Baked, half of 45g
Foods marked * are from our garden.
Summary by Food Category
Exercise (Burned Calories) 2,340 kcal
- Seeding Radish and Carrot, 5 METs x 168 min.
I found these small bamboo shoots deep in the ground while I was cultivating a field and struggling with bamboo roots.
Weight Change

Born 1967, Hiroshima, Japan.
In 2009, I made up my mind to eliminate any and all of GMO(genetically-modified organisms) from my life, leading to whole grains vegan diet, and further into low-fat-raw-vegan (the 80/10/10) diet. Finally in 2017, I found just stop eating “seeds” can make us healthy. I named the set of my idea “The Orgasmic Diet.”
My dream is to live in tropical, high-elevation place, probably somewhere in Colombia, with cows and fruit trees.
If everyone makes oneself happy, everyone becomes happy.
With the miracle of the Orgasmic Diet, you'd be fit and healthy
if you eat ONLY what you like AS MUCH AS you like.
Why don't you join the Orgasmic Diet now!