Our Orgasmic Days
Heaven Is To Create Ourselves

Heaven Is To Create Ourselves

Daily Calorie Log
Mon. Mar 12, 2018

The deep satisfaction of brisket navel end remained for the whole day and I didn’t need much foods.
I spent most of the day for transplanting fruit tree seedlings into larger pots, dreaming of the day when I am surrounded by a variety of plenty of fruits, so much that I can’t eat all. It’s a paradise. To live in a paradise, we have to make it ourselves. Only wishing and waiting for a paradise never brings us any paradise because no one else would create it for us. I think God leaves us the pleasure of creating our own paradise ourselves.

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 1,566 kcal

Blue Solar DEWS with B, 13 glasses(300ml/glass)

Cocto-X, 21 pieces 541 kcal

  • Neo Pineapple Taste, 5 pcs
  • Neo Strawberry Guimauve, 16 pcs
Banana with Oil 573 kcal
  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 559g
  • Olive Oil (Palestine), 10.4g
Orange, Fresh, 574g 260 kcal

B-gurt before bedtime 192 kcal
  • Yogurt, Plain, Whole Milk, Home-made 300g
  • Brewer’s Yeast 3g

Summary by Food Category

Activities, 1,275 kcal Burned (including general activities)

  • Sprinkling wood ash to lettuce plots, 2.5METs x 15min., 20kcal
  • Transplanting seedlings into pots, 4.3METs x 300min., 979kcal

Weight Change

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