Cocto-X Mold
Daily Calorie Log
Tue. Mar 13, 2018
Yoko is now making Cocto-X one by one manually using a measuring spoon as a mold. It consumes so much of her time and it is hard to produce in large quantities. It has been an issue for us and finally I worked out a design of Cocto-X mold.
Given my current ability and tools available are limited, I decided to use wood for the base (male) part only and cast silicon rubber for the female part reinforcing with acrylic bars like bones in our bodies. Hard material for the male part and soft one for female part! It is in accord with the natural law of yin and yang, isn’t it?
Let’s see if this design works or not.
Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS
See ORS Ratio.
Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio
Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,013 kcal
Blue Solar DEWS with B, 12 glasses(300ml/glass)
Cocto-X, 22 pieces 540 kcal
- Neo Peach Taste, 11 pcs
- Neo Strawberry Guimauve, 11 pcs
Banana with Oil 903 kcal
- Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 937g
- Sesame Oil (Ethiopia), 11g
Orange, Fresh, 833g 378 kcal
B-gurt before bedtime 192 kcal
- Yogurt, Plain, Whole Milk, Home-made 300g
- Brewer’s Yeast 3g
Summary by Food Category
Activities, 898 kcal Burned (including general activities)
- Surveying garden, 2.5METs x 55min., 72kcal
- Watering potted plants, 2.5METs x 52min., 68kcal
- Splitting logs, 6.3METs x 90min., 482kcal
Weight Change

Born 1967, Hiroshima, Japan.
In 2009, I made up my mind to eliminate any and all of GMO(genetically-modified organisms) from my life, leading to whole grains vegan diet, and further into low-fat-raw-vegan (the 80/10/10) diet. Finally in 2017, I found just stop eating “seeds” can make us healthy. I named the set of my idea “The Orgasmic Diet.”
My dream is to live in tropical, high-elevation place, probably somewhere in Colombia, with cows and fruit trees.
If everyone makes oneself happy, everyone becomes happy.
With the miracle of the Orgasmic Diet, you'd be fit and healthy
if you eat ONLY what you like AS MUCH AS you like.
Why don't you join the Orgasmic Diet now!