Our Orgasmic Days
Home Cold Pressed Oil

Home Cold Pressed Oil

Daily Calorie Log
Sun. Mar 4, 2018

This morning I extracted oil from camellia seeds to put it on bananas. I used a small cold press machine. Home pressed oil from home grown camellia!

It was a nice experience but after all effort and expense, I got only 3.7g of oil. Plant oils are sold at very low price and most people have no idea of how troublesome it is to get oils in nature without machine civilization. This is one of the reason I believe we shouldn’t take too much plant oils. It means food processing “plant” (factory) oil rather than botanical oil.

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,320 kcal

Blue Solar DEWS with B, 7 glasses(300ml/glass)

Cocto-X, 10 pieces 225 kcal

  • Neo 6 pcs
  • Neo Strawberry Taste 4 pcs
Banana with Oil 887 kcal
  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 935g
  • *Camellia Oil, 2.2g
  • Olive Oil (Palestine), 7.2g
Orange, Fresh, 708g 321 kcal

The Flesh and Fresh Dinner 887 kcal

I ate about 50–70% of the following amounts for two of us.

  • Horse Meat (Poland), Raw, 821g
  • *Kumquat, Fresh, 162g
  • *Celery, Fresh, 138g
  • Lettuce, Fresh, *41g + 90g
  • *Carrot, Fresh, 107g
  • *Wakegi Onion, Fresh, 70g
  • *Radish, Fresh, 22g
  • *Fennel, Fresh, 16g
  • *Coriander Leaf, Fresh, 14g
  • *Mustard Greens, Fresh, 12g
  • *Spinach, Fresh, 10g
  • *Dill Weed, Fresh, 8g
  • *Mitsuba, Fresh, 7g
  • *Parsley, Fresh, 6g

Foods marked * are from our garden.

Summary by Food Category

Exercise (Burned Calories) 2,196 kcal

  • Building Ridge and Furrow for Sowing Seeds 170 min.

Weight Change

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