Our Orgasmic Days


Daily Calorie Log
Mon. Mar 5, 2018

We had a cooked meal today because there were still a lot of radish left in the field and we had a bunch of broccoli for some reason. As you can see in the weight chart, I ate till my stomach got full but still I felt I wanted to eat something more. This is something that never happens when I eat raw food mostly. With cooked foods, the body functions get out of order.

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,028 kcal

Blue Solar DEWS with B, 9 glasses(300ml/glass)

Cocto-X, 14 pieces 309 kcal

  • Neo Chocolate Taste 2 pcs
  • Neo Strawberry Taste 12 pcs
Banana with Oil 780 kcal
  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 832g
  • Peanut Butter (USA), 10.8g
Navel, Fresh, 711g 349 kcal

The Excursion Dinner, Daikon Stew, 589 kcal

I ate about 70% of the following amounts for two of us.

  • *Miura Daikon, Oriental Radish, 1,383g
  • Onion, 235g
  • Broccoli, 235g
  • Horse Meat (Poland), 179g
  • *Wakegi Onion, 84g
  • *Celery, 60g
  • Tomato Powder, 40g
  • Bell Pepper Powder, 7g
  • Sea Salt, 7g
  • Garlic Powder, 1.6g
  • *Herb Mix, Dried, 1g

Foods marked * are from our garden.

Summary by Food Category

Exercise (Burned Calories) 2,158 kcal

  • Turning Compost 70 min.

Weight Change

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