Our Orgasmic Days
Loquat Festival

Loquat Festival

Daily Calorie Log
Jun 2, 2018

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,469 kcal

Cocto-X-DEWS, 0 kcal
  • Blue Solar DEWS with B, 3 glasses(300ml/glass)
The Flesh and Fresh Breakfast 1,029 kcal

  • *Loquat, Fresh, 1,421g
  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 296g
  • *Beet, Fresh, half of 203g
  • *Cucumber, Fresh, half of 141g
  • *Leaf Lettuce, Fresh, half of 109g
  • *Nanking Cherry, half of 80g
  • *Blackberry, half of 61g
  • *Zucchini, Fresh, half of 27g
  • *Strawberry, half of 16g
  • *Tomato, Fresh, half of 12g
  • *Raspberry, half of 5g
  • Tomato Dip, 34g
The Flesh and Fresh Snack 1,440 kcal
  • *Loquat, Fresh, 2,793g
  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 375g

Foods marked * are from our garden.

Summary by Food Category

Activities, 1,171 kcal Burned

  • Setting up support for watermelon, 4.3METs x 231min., 745kcal
  • Transplanting, 2.5METs x 112min., 146kcal
  • General Activities, 280kcal

Weight Change

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