Our Orgasmic Days
Watermelon Baby

Watermelon Baby

Daily Calorie Log
Jun 25, 2018

Intake of Three Basic Components of ORS

See ORS Ratio.

Caloric Balance and Macronutrient Ratio

Foods Taken (Charged Calories) 2,242 kcal

Cocto-X-DEWS, 561 kcal
  • Blue Solar DEWS with B, 14 glasses(300ml/glass)
  • Cocto-X Neo Chocolate Taste, 18 pcs
  • Cocto-X Neo Kinako Taste, 4 pcs
The Flesh and Fresh Breakfast 1,002 kcal

  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 934g
  • Kiwi Fruits (New Zealand), Fresh, 148g
  • *Tomato, Fresh, half of 240g
  • *Zucchini, Fresh, half of 92g
  • *Carrot, Fresh, half of 43g
  • *Strawberry, half of 28g
  • *Groundcherry, Fresh, half of 21g
  • *Adzuki Bean Sprout, Fresh, half of 12g
  • *Okra, Fresh, half of 11g
  • Tahini & Basil Mayonnaise, Home-made, 20g
Snack 487 kcal
  • Banana (Philippines), Fresh, 383g
  • Egg, Boiled, 91g
  • Tahini & Basil Mayonnaise, Home-made, 7g

B-gurt before bedtime 192 kcal
  • Yogurt, Plain, Whole Milk, Home-made 300g
  • Brewer’s Yeast 3g

Foods marked * are from our garden.

Summary by Food Category

Activities, 1,674 kcal Burned

  • Spading, vigorous effort, 7.8METs x 150min., 1,043kcal
  • Earthing up ginger and transplanting cucumber, 4METs x 43min., 125kcal
  • Setting up support for grape and pumpkin, 4.3METs x 70min., 226kcal
  • General Activities, 280kcal

Weight Change

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