Summary of 2018
In 2018, the Flesh x Fresh Diet got further sophisticated. Fat ratio expanded from 20% to 30-40% to attain the orgasmic macro-nutrient ratio for human. In July grass-fed cheese from Australia and New Zealand was introduced as one of our main foods and then gradually replaced home-made yogurt for which we could only procure local Japanese grain-fed milk. In November sparkling DEWS and beer DEWS were developed.
This is the summary of the year 2018.
What We Ate
Food Ranking By Calorie
Half of our calories came from three foods: banana, cane sugar and cheese.
Seasonal Food Change
After cheese was introduced as one of our main foods in July, the weight of dairy products increased hence that of meats decreased. We ate bananas throughout the year while enjoying various fruits in each season.
Summary by Food Category
We controlled seeds ratio below 8%. We have a good prospect that it would be much lower in 2019.
Water intake was 5 liters per day, which is twice as much as average Japanese people drink or eat.
Raw food ratio was around 70-80% for the first half of the year but decreased to 50-60% in the second half because of our consumption of cheese increased. Our garden products ratio was relatively high in June when we harvested loquat fruits, in August when we harvested watermelons and after October for sweet potatoes though the annual ratio was still low at 10%. We could supply almost all of our vegetables consumption but it was quite small in terms of calories.
Nutritional Checkup
Could we achieve nutritional goals without having seeds and fish?
Three Major Nutrients
The annual macronutrient ratio was good at carbs 61%, fat 27% and protein 12%. This ratio was in accord with what we had planned.
2/3 of our carbohydrate came from bananas and cane sugar.
We took dieatry fiber of 36.1g/day against dietary goal of more than 20g.
The main source of our fiber were bananas and cacao, followed by various fruits.
Our main fat source were cacao, beef and dairy products. Though we had decent amount of sesame seed oil in home-made mayonnaise in the first half of the year, we don’t consume grass seed oil in the Flesh x Fresh Diet in principle.
Since we have no major foods which contain large amount of PUFA (Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids), our intake of essential fatty acids were only 1/3 of AI (Adequate Intake). However, the omega-3 and omega-6 ratio was optimal at 1:3.7. We can achieve the optimal ratio with only whole foods, without depending on fish oil supplements or some specific seed oils.
Essential fatty acids were taken from these foods.
Our main source of protein were beef, other meats and dairy products besides bananas and cacao provided considerable amounts of protein too.
Protein intake was 69.5g/day against recommended amount of 60g. Essential amino acids were obtained in a balanced manner and almost twice as much as recommended by WHO.
Fat-soluble Vitamins
Except for vitamin D which can be synthesized in our body with sunlight, we consumed required amouts of fat-soluble vitamins. Main food sources of each vitamin were as follows.
Water-soluble Vitamins
We consumed required amouts of water-soluble vitamins except biotin was slightly deficient. Main food sources of each vitamin were as follows.
Required amounts of macro-minerals were met except calcium was slightly deficient. Main food sources of each macro-mineral were as follows.
Sodium intake was 13g/day (salt equivalent), exceeding Dietary Goal of less than 8g/day. We don’t think this is a problem because we had plenty of water at the same time and furthermore, our potassium intake was three times as much as ordinary Japanese diet.
The ratio of sodium and potassium (Na/K) was 0.7. Compared with Japanese average 1.88, we are having a lot of potassium against sodium.
Intake of magnesium and phosphorus should be also considered in proportion to that of calcium. Our Ca/Mg ratio was 1.1 and Ca/P ratio was 0.7. If you are having lots of food additives, intake of phosphorus is likely to be excessive and can disturb calcium absorption. In the Flesh x Fresh Diet, we don’t eat food additives basically and need not worry about it.
Requirements for micro-minerals were almost satisfied except for chromium. This is partly because food database doesn’t have enough data for chromium. Main food sources of each micro-mineral were as follows.
The major foods in the Flesh x Fresh Diet don’t contain enough iodine to meet RDA. Though we are not sure if this RDA is really adequate, we added kombu powder to Cocto-X just to be safe.
Caloric Balance and Weight
Caloric Balance (kcal/day) and Macronutrient Ratio
My activity level of 2018 was 57% of basic metabolic rate while my goal was hunter-gatherers’ that of 85%. I gave priority to writing a book of the Flesh x Fresh Diet and became sedentary especially after summer to have the excess of 133kcal/day in the result.
Weight Trend
The drop of my weight in spring was wiped out by continuous caloric excesses after summer. Still my weight remained between BMI 23 – 25 range which is thought to be best for health and longevity.
This graph shows strong correlation between caloric balance and body weight. Whatever diet you choose, you will get fat if your caloric intake exceeds. Therefore the key to success in weight reduction is whether you can easily, effortlessly and naturally balance your calorie intake and outgo with the diet theory.
Food Cost
Our food cost for 2018, 348 days excluding days we were away from our Jitaku resort, was 801 yen per person per day. It was lower than average Japanese two people household food cost (1,057 yen PPPD).

Born 1967, Hiroshima, Japan.
In 2009, I made up my mind to eliminate any and all of GMO(genetically-modified organisms) from my life, leading to whole grains vegan diet, and further into low-fat-raw-vegan (the 80/10/10) diet. Finally in 2017, I found just stop eating “seeds” can make us healthy. I named the set of my idea “The Orgasmic Diet.”
My dream is to live in tropical, high-elevation place, probably somewhere in Colombia, with cows and fruit trees.
If everyone makes oneself happy, everyone becomes happy.
With the miracle of the Orgasmic Diet, you'd be fit and healthy
if you eat ONLY what you like AS MUCH AS you like.
Why don't you join the Orgasmic Diet now!